GFM GF-9/ Multi Jib Camera Crane/Jib
Lammo Ltd are proud to own and operate a Grip Factory Munich GF-9 Camera Crane & their highly regarded GF Multi Jib.
The GFM gear has been brought in to work alongside and to complement our Jimmy Jibs. Both systems are capable of taking heavier cameras and don’t suffer the same 'bouncing' effect which can happen with the Jimmy Jib under certain conditions, at certain lengths & with fully loaded cameras.
Both systems can be used with Stanton electronics as a single operator crane (aka Jimmy Jib) or with either one of our PeePod 500's or our Mo-Sys B20 heads.
With the PeePod we can offer control to the DOP/Remote Head Operator via the joystick driven desk, A&C Pan Bar System (PBS) or using A&C's super smooth crank wheels. When used in this configuration we offer a purpose made completely blacked out pop up shelter & a monitor set-up inc a 17" HD-SDI viewfinder monitor.
We also own our own JeliBox which can be used either in a live situation or on location. In the live environment cue lights and Director/Engineering talkback are fed from the OB unit & a PL ring can be set-up for Op/Assistants/Grip to communicate with each other without disturbing anybody in the truck.
The JeliBox can also act as a standalone PL talkback ring on location inc Drama, Documentaries etc. where the DOP/Head Op can offer direction to the Grips/Assistants whilst achieving the shots required. The ring can currently cater for one operator & three remote talkback packs. If required more TekPro packs can be hired in to extend the PL ring.
For more details about the GF-9 please check out: